Work ...
... in progress
Commission by Trio Accanto for their 2025 tour "The last of their kind"
.Linz, Austria
18 October 2024
Guest workshop at Anton Bruckner Universität in the course "Musikvermittlung und Musik im Kontext" about "Klangkunst und öffentlicher Raum in Vermittlungsprojekten"
Muri, Switzerland
4 March - 12 November 2023
Our work Ohrweide - Salix Aurita within the exhibition Sedimentieren, Kristallisieren, Kondensieren.
.Bern, Switzerland
8 September 2022
I will be showing my new performance „skin“ at Musikfestival Bern 2022.
Bern, Switzerland
17 September 2022
Performance at the symposium Sound Arts im Spannungsfeld von elektroakustischer Musik und Medienkunst.
now! online!
Documentation of two works from last year are now online: Wellenlänge and wandelnd.
Witten, Germany
6 - 8 May 2022
I will show new work at Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik.
Brugg, Switzerland
21 August - 3 October 2021
"Wellenlänge" - new work at Zimmermannhaus with images from Dorothea Lange.
16 - 19 September 2021
Appenzell, Switzerland
I will show new work at Neue Musik Rümlingen. This year's festival is about the Swiss writer Robert Walser.
23 - 25 April 2021 (until 24 May)
Preview to the Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik 2022 (2021 edition postponed).
Saturday, 24 April 2021, ca. 9 - 10pm on WDR 3 (in German).
October 2020
A montage about my new work wegend!
A sound choreography at HauenSteinSchlag - Festival Rümlingen.
22/23 August 2020
Läufelfingen/Hauenstein, Switzerland
My new work "wegend", a sound choreography in the woods, at HauenSteinSchlag - Festival Rümlingen.
February 2020
We are on tour with Pierce my Skin project!
follow us on social media!!
15 February 2020
Ohr-Weide - Salix Aurita - our sound installation with 150 floating loudspeakers - is featured in the e-magazine
eContact! 20.3 issue!
The Trailer of my short film
«Pierce my Skin» is now online!
A short montage of our performance in Tehran 2019 with the dancer Neda Notash is online now.
September 2019
Bern, Schweiz
I am now a professor for electro acoustic composition and sound arts at Bern Arts University.💃🏼
August 2019
Tehran, Iran
I am working on new music during a month with Rah Art Residency.
Here is some first insight into my working process:
3 - 10 May 2019
Bern, Switzerland
My new video work «Pierce my Skin» can be seen at Galerie Béatrice Brunner, along ArtStadtBern.
21-23 September 2018
Leicester, UK
I am giving a talk about "Performative Sound Arts - impetus for communication" at the 'Bringing New Music to New Audiences' International Conference at the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre, De Montfort University in Leicester. This conference forms part of the 'Interfaces' Creative European project.
August 2018
Gharb on Gozo, Malta
I am an artist in residence with Spazju Kreattiv in Gharb on Gozo, Malta. This happens in the framework of Valletta being the cultural capital of Europe in 2018.
A post about Ohr-Weide - Salix Aurita from Cathy van Eck on her Blog.
2/3 June 2018
Basel, Switzerland
In collaboration with île flottante we will show Ohr-Weide - Salix Aurita at the anniversary of Merian Gardens in Basel.
(8-11 April 2018) >>postponed to September 2018
Wolfenbüttel, Germany
I am giving a workshop about «Hardwarehacking and making music» at Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel.
January/February 2018
My research trip to Lesotho will be supported by Pro Helvetia Johannesburg!
Thank you so much!
I will be working on a project about Swiss participation and women's role in colonialism by following traces of a Swiss woman doctor
born in 1903 who has lived in Lesotho for more than 30 years.
Video-Blog about my Residency in Cyprus in July 2017 and some video documentation from the performative experiment in the evening of 28 July 2017.
July 2017
Nicosia, Cyprus
Residency in collaboration with
the art department of the European University Cyprus. More in
my Video-Blog.
«Carrying cities», performative
experiment on 28 July 2017
11-16 September 2017
Orvin, Switzerland
Atelier «Language musicale et mouvement spécifique à l'endroit»
A Workshop about the musicality of language and movement in a site-specific connection with «la tuilerie d'Orvin».
April/May 2017
Aarau, Switzerland
Our art facilitation project Stadtereignisse around the topics of «public space» and «temporary art forms» is taking place for the second time. More information on Stadtereignisse Aarau.
5/6 May 2017
Bern, Switzerland
I will show my new work «Warte» at ArtStadtBern.
Freitag 17-22h, Samstag 14-22h
Brunngasse 16, 3011 Bern
23 - 25 April 2017
Wolfenbüttel, Germany
I am giving a workshop about «Hardwarehacking and making music» at Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel.
24 March 2017
London, UK
With Zoe Tsavdarides we are making a new piece for the performance night Discotheque at By Other Means Gallery in Upper Clapton, London.
19 February 2017
Bern, Switzerland
25. Januar 2017
Windisch, Switzerland
A workshop with Stadtereignisse for Fachkolloquium BNE an der Pädagogischen Hochschule FHNW about decicion-making.
12 November 2016
Western Sahara
I made the soundtrack for the video Ma Terre from Mounir Gouri and Islem Haouati during ARTifariti, International Art and Human Rights Meeting of Western Sahara.
29 October - 12 November 2016
Tindouf, Algeria
I partake in the 10th edition "Después del Futuro / After the Future" of ARTifariti, International
Art and Human Rights Meeting of Western Sahara, which will take place in the Sahrawi Art School in Wilaya of Bojador.
On this occasion, Countdown to Arabic will be shown in an online exhibition.
September 2016
Documentation of my new piece réciproque now online.
Also, here is a great article from
Louis d'Heudieres about my work.
30 July 2016
Bern, Switzerland
I am performing running at Skilt Festival at Kunstgalerie in Progr Bern.
23 July 2016
London, UK
World premiere of a new piece for WEISSLICH at Hundred Years Gallery in London, UK.
15 - 17 May 2016>
Tunis, Tunisia
A documentation of me performing with the voicetrument is screened at Chouftouhonna, the first international Feminist Art festival of Tunis.
Spring 2016
Brugg, Switzerland
Stadtereignisse, an education project about art in public space.
"Stadtereignisse Brugg" on Saturday, 4 June 2016 with 140 students from schools in Brugg, Switzerland.
17 December 2015
Bern, Switzerland
Guest lecture
Hochschule der Künste Bern, CH
Thursday, 17.12.2015, 7-9pm
December 2016
Countdown to Arabic
November 2015
Bern, Switzerland
I am extremely happy to be awarded the Recognition award music 2015 by the Music committee of the Canton of Bern.
Award ceremony: Tuesday, 17.11.2015
13 July 2015
Basel, Switzerland
Establishment of the non-profit
Association for Positionings
(Verein für Ortungen)
For the promotion of art and culture in public space
6 July 2015, 7pm
7 July 2015, 2pm
Linz, Austria
Radio broadcast "Behind the smart World"
A radio show about the art lab "Behind the smart world" in May 2015 in Linz, Austria
1 - 4 July 2015
London, UK
My work PAVILLON at the Final Show of
MA Performance Making
at Goldsmiths University of London, UK
22 - 25 May 2015
Linz, Austria
'Behind the smart world
I am participating in this Art lab about e-waste and its consequences in Linz, Austria. I am giving an artist talk in the evening of the 22 May.
12 May 2015
Bern, Switzerland
Offene Heiliggeistkirche Bern, Switzerland
16 - 23 April 2015
The Hague, Netherlands
Residency with iii
at Studio Loos in The Hague, Holland
Thursday, 23 April 2015: running
28 November 2014
London, UK
Trispace Gallery in London
I expose the voicetrument to a small gallery in eastern London.
An Interview of Cathy van Eck about my performance running
running - a performance by Lilian Beidler
September 12/13 2014
Bern, Switzerland
ArtStadtBern 2014
Atelier rafinesse & tristesse, Brunngasse 42, Bern
tenderness & wildness
The site-specific sound work tenderness & wildness will take place at Atelier rafinesse & tristesse, Brunngasse 42, Bern within the event ArtStadtBern 2014
September 2014
Started the MA Performance Making at Goldsmiths University in London!
February 26 - April 4 2014
School Bowil, Switzerland
During three weeks the school bell in Bowil will be replaced by recordings of sound poems created by the pupils of all ages. Check: Sound installation school bell
7. January - 7. February 2014
Annual closing
Monday-Friday: 8am-12pm and 6pm-9pm
Saturday, Sunday: 11am-4pm
December 12 - 28 2013 - *EXTENDED TILL 2 JANUARY 2014*
Theaterladen Schlachthaus Theater in Bern, Switzerland
This solo show displays a new work I create for Theaterladen.
Vernissage: Thursday, December 12 2013, 6pm-8pm
Finissage: Saturday, December 28 2013, 6pm-8pm
October 25 - December 8 2013
Zimmermannhaus in Brugg, Switzerland
A revival of the original version from Panorama in 2011. In collaboration with île flottante | Nica Giuliani & Andrea Gsell with sound from Lilian Beidler
Vernissage: October 24 2013, 7pm
Finnisage: December 8 2013, 11am-4pm
October 12 2013
Sculpturex Symposium 2013 in Columbus, USA
I perform running within a symposium with the topic "Participatory Objects and Everyday Spectacular", hosted by Columbus College of Art & Design (CCAD) where afterwards I will be giving an artist talk as well.
September 2012
The City of Bern and the
Canton of Bern support
running and AOD Beijing with a finacial contribution. Thanks!
August 24 - 31 2013
Pantocrátor Gallery in M50, Shanghai
I am showing a first version of my new piece running at
Opening Summer Pan Stage / JULY - AUGUST
2013 (Final Exhibition) with participating artists: Erico Wakamatsu (Japan), Francesco Liberti (Italy), Hans
Gullickson ( New York), Lilian Beidler (Switzerland), Luciano Benites Fiusa Lima (Brasil)
Opening: August 24 2013, from 5 to 9 pm
August 19 2013
Theater Spektakel in Zürich, CH
I play together with Shinya Murayama at Theater Spektakel in Zürich.
July 13, 20 and 27 2013, 6pm
Pantocrátor Gallery in M50, Shanghai
Performances and Sound Adventures with participating artists Erico Wakamatsu, Francesco Liberti and me perform on 3 July Saturdays. During the week you are welcome to visit the gallery as our open studio.
July 2013
Pantocrátor Gallery in Shanghai
Exhibition and public working at Pantocrátor Gallery. I am looking forward to visitors!
June 2013
INSIDE - OUT Art Museum in Beijing
I am there as an artist in residence during one month.
June 20 2013
Beijing, China
I am faculty member during the MFA exams of the Eastern Institute of Art, the project MFA in a Day by Noah Schenk
June 14 2013
Beijing, China
ART ON DEMAND action Beijing takes place in Haidian
District, Beijing in collaboration with Noah Schenk (USA) and Wang Zi (China)
and the support of INSIDE - OUT Art Museum.
AOD on Facebook
May 2013
Beijing, China
For a month I am an artist in residence at Imagine Gallery in Beijing
April 19 - 26 2013
Saint-Imier, Switzerland
A la recherche du temps - I manage a project week on the issue of time and music with 113 kids of the kindergarten center Saint-Imier.
March 14 - 24 2013
Zurich, Switzerland
tram tracks at the exhibition project proposals Kunst und Bau VBZ Depots Wollishofen, Irchel und Kalkbreite, organised by Hochbaudepartement Stadt Zürich
Opening: March 14 2013, 7 pm
Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 4-8 pm, Saturday/Sunday: 2-6 pm
February / March 2013
Arteles Creative Center in Finland
November 22 2012 - January 19 2013
Trudelhaus Baden, Switzerland
Ich will bis zum Tod. with île flottante | Nica Giuliani & Andrea Gsell within the exhibition "kunst sieht architektur" from visarte aargau.
Vernissage: Thursday, November 22 2012, 18h30
Guided tour: Sunday, December 9 2012, 14h
Artist talk: Thursday, January 17 2013, 19h
Finnissage: Saturday, January 19 2013, 14-17h
November 14 2012 17h30
Regionaljournal Bern Freiburg Wallis, Radio DRS 1
A radio feature about MUS-E with a report about "Experimentelles Hörspiel", the workshop I currently hold at a school in Brüttelen.
September 12 - October 14 2012
Stadtgallerie Bern, Switzerland
What are all these lights doing?
The work What are all these lights doing? (STROBES) by Laurent Schmid places stroboscopic light - as a scientific achievement
that also has psychoactive effects - in the context of contemporary media technology
Technical support: Lilian Beidler
August 24 - September 15 2012
Pen-Club Gallery in Budapest, Hungary
ever become again - Three sculptural pictures from Lilian Beidler and Cyrill Lim exposed by the Hungarian Multicultural Center.
July 25 2012, 20h45
Radio DRS 2
pfeif23 - the 23. whistle is being played during the radio show "Das weisse Lauschen".
July 14 2012, 1h30 pm
I-Park, Connecticut, USA
June 20 - July 16 2012
I-Park, Connecticut, USA
Artist Residency Award I-Park: During one month I will be working on new ideas - alone or together with other residents. Looking very forward to it! Yepeee!
1 - 3 of June 2012
Contemporary Art Ruhr - Die Medienkunst Messe
Swarm - a new version ...
May 2012
The City of Bern and the Canton of Bern support Schwarm each with Fr. 1000.-. Thanks a lot!
Online now:
Advent's whistling Dixie!
Das Kaffee-Rauch-Ritual
27th - 30th of october 2011
Winterthur, Switzerland
tors-tors and Schwarm at junkunst
25th of september - 30st of october 2011
Basel, Switzerland
Basel, Switzerland
Panorama at Ausstellungsraum Klingental - The exhibition REALITY CHECK shows amongst other works a new video installation from île flottante with sound from Lilian Beidler.
2nd of october 2011
Winterthur, Switzerland
Let's make up India!, performance from Eva Maria Küpfer with sound from Lilian Beidler, at PERFORM NOW!
2nd of october 2011, at 6 p.m.
1. - 3. of july 2011
Teatro Paravento in Locarno
The plumbing starts in the morning when you wake up and you go to the toilet to π
A physical theater piece on the basis of the Giacometti sculpture "Le palais à quatre heures du matin" within the Master of Arts in Theater of
Mercé de Rande at Scuola Dimitri in Verscio.
I play different musicalised media.
21st of may 2011
Foundation Terra Vecchia in Kehrsatz
Make some noise! - I give a workshop about soundart.
29th & 30th of april 2011
Florence, Italy
so föhn! at Taming Technology - Addomesticare la Tecnologia
27th of march 2011
Zurich and Sion, Switzerland
per ënkyé, a folklo-experimental théâtre musical project of the solo performer Pascal Viglino at Theater Stok in Zurich and at petithéâtre sion in Sion
27th of march 2011, at 5 p.m.
7th of april 2011, at 7 p.m.
8th & 9th of april 2011, at 8h30 p.m.
10th of april 2011, at 5 p.m.
2nd and 3rd of march 2011
Stadtcasino Basel, Switzerland
Z Basel a mym See - With a group of children from
the Orientierungsschule Gundeldinger Schulhaus in Basel we create a musical and media-artistical intro to a concert
of the Symphony Orchestra Basel.
Workshop directed by Lilian Beidler, Veronika Klaus, Irena Müller-Brozovic and musicians of the
Symphony Orchestra Basel
Performances: 2nd and 3rd of March 2011, at 7 p.m.
7th of November 2010 - 27th of February 2011
Pfäffikon, Switzerland
Fisches Nachgesang from île flottante | Nica Giuliani & Andrea Gsell with sound from Lilian Beidler at Vögele Kulturzentrum
Vernissage: 7th of November 2010, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
17. - 22. of january 2011
Düsseldorf, Germany
versaturum in motu - During one week I am working on a new composition at FFT! Accompanied by Georg Dietzler.
Presentation: 21./22. of january 2011 at FFT
4th of december 2010 - 9th of January 2011
Aarau, Switzerland
Fisches Nachgesang at Auswahl 10 at Aargauer Kunsthaus
from île flottante | Nica Giuliani & Andrea Gsell, sound: Lilian Beidler
Vernissage: 3rd of December 2010, 18h00
1st, 2nd und 3rd of October 2010
Fabriktheater of the Rote Fabrik in Zürich
Let's make up India! - a performance from Eva Maria Küpfer with music from Lilian Beidler
Premiere: 1st of October 2010, 8 p.m.
further shows:
2nd of October 2010, 8 p.m.
3rd of October 2010, 6.30 p.m.

Acquisition of the Master of Arts in Contemporary Arts Practice
8th to 22nd of June 2010
Bern, Switzerland
SINFÖHNIE at the gallery talwegeins, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. daily
FINISSAGE on the 22nd of June from 6 p.m.
15th - 20th of June 2010
Erlangen, Germany
pol air - Hairdryer Orchestra, Hardware Hacking and Zukunft aufs Brot at ARENA ... der jungen Künste
15th of June 2010 20h pol air - Hairdryer Orchestra at Markgrafentheater
19th of June 2010 11h30 Zukunft aufs Brot at Markgrafentheater Oberes Foyer
16th - 19th of June 2010 3pm - 6pm Hardware Hacking at Markgrafentheater Foyer
10th of June 2010
Biel-Bienne, Switzerland
tors-tors flies out! ... for one evening in action at Es Huere Cabaret at Gaskessel.
8th of June 2010
Bern, Switzerland
Final presentation Master studies CAP at the Bern University of the Arts
6 pm Papiermühlestrasse 13d
7 pm at the gallery talwegeins
15th of April 2010
Leipzig, Germany
pol air - Hairdryer Orchestra at the festival RESONANZEN - Festival für Hörkunst
10.30 pm, Schaubühne Lindenfels, Ballsaal
29th of January to the 27th of February 2010
substitut in Berlin
so föhn! within the group exhibition esquisses, a satellite exhibition of transmediale10
Opening on Friday, 29th of January 2010 from 7 pm
22nd of January 2010
in Basel
floconnes at Fondation Beyeler
A sound installation at the museums night - the night of poetry
from Lilian Beidler and
île flottante| Nica Giuliani & Andrea Gsell
6 pm - 2 am
30th of October to 4th of December 2009
Zurich, Switzerland
Fisches Nachgesang - an art project in public space from île flottante | Nica Giuliani & Andrea Gsell, with sound from Lilian Beidler at videotank
Opening on Thursday 29th of October, 6 pm
7th - 11th of October 2009
Giessen, Germany
June 2009
Bern, Bremen und Karlsruhe, Switzerland and Germany
13th of June 2009 next_generation 3.0 ZKM Karlsruhe
6th of June 2009 OUTNOW! Schwankhalle Bremen
3th of June 2009 àSuivre HKB Bern
5th of March 2009
Bern, Switzerland
26th of March to 27th of April 2008
Bern, Switzerland
Genesis - ein Hörspielprojekt at Zentrum Paul Klee within the exhibition Genesis - die Kunst der Schöpfung
2nd of April 2008
Geneva, Switzerland
Clapping Music from Steve Reich t the performance festival act
29th of March 2008
Bern, Switzerland
artuino - within the symposium Klang (ohne) Körper at Bern University of Arts
7th of December 2006
Basel, Switzerland
Smoke under Water at Gare du Nord, within the congress Elektronische Musik zwischen Pop und Kunst.
© Lilian Beidler 2023